Insane in the Membrane
This week we had a shared workshop with the ICD crew from Stuttgart about ….MEMBRANES!! Exploring the membrane which is lycra through tension and the composite which is epoxy. We played with the saddle form and just experimented through out the week with spatiality by creating layers, joints, elasticity and texture. It was an intense week but really interesting. On the last day Achim, Johan, Anton, and Sean got a chance to review the class and once again blind sided us like a freight train. Sometimes you go into these reviews thinking that maybe this time after all this effort and thought you might just have it in the bag…..but noooooo this is architecture school you fool!!…. And even while they are trying to comment and you trying to decipher what they are saying the whole time the only thing your thinking is …”how did this happen, again!?”
***and some of the other photos are from the second year kimono workshop